Home of LMS
Now Offering LMS Database hosting and remote backup for £15 extra a month - allowing you to...
Work from Anywhere
MagnaSys is a company dedicated to providing software for travel agents. These are the guiding principles of our software and the service we provide:

Design - Our software is specifically designed to meet the changing needs of our clients with regular updates. Customer feedback and requests are very important to us and guide our development cycle.

Value – Our packages offer very good value – affordable to even the smallest travel agencies - while maintaining a competitive price for large companies

Reliable Support - Our support service is included as part of every LMS package. We offer telephone, email and remote access support. Our customer feedback has been extremely positive.

A speedy response - We pride ourselves on the speed at which we respond to queries ensuring that our clients are always able to use LMS to its full potential. Our software is easy to use and we are happy to explain and demonstrate any of the finer points that may need clarifying.

No contract period or any other means of locking you in - We believe that once you have tried LMS and seen the benefits you will want to stay with us