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Designed to suit you
LMS has a modular construction which is upgradeable as your company changes, so you only pay for those modules that you need for your company operations.
Latest Technology
LMS uses the latest software technology from Microsoft, being built in Visual Studio and backed up in SQL server, with assurances and tested functionality added by us.
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Track Sales and Profits
PNR Downloads & ATOL Reporting

MTD Submissions and Requests
Helping you find the right IT solutions.
We can provide a system that can work either through your company network or hosted online. You can email Invoices, reports and receipts directly from LMS.
Create Bookings and Reports

The Basic LMS System
Instant reporting on invoices and booking status.
Reporting on money collected
Reporting on Sales made
Reporting on sales, purchase and profit for each invoice
Changes and corrections to invoiced bookings
Reporting on who owes you money.
Reporting to whom you owe money
Entry and changes to set-up of customers and suppliers
Entries to pay suppliers.
PNR Download and ATOL
The LMS.Net Basic software system allows you to use PNR data downloaded from one or more of the computer reservation companies. These companies will remain responsible for providing the download as only they have the ability to do that, but once downloaded the data can be automatically used in bookings and invoices, or we can offer a service to copy and paste PNR data into an invoice.
The addition of ATOL certificates and ATOL reports, in the specific format to comply with CAA requirements is essential for any ATOL registered company. All you have to do is specify the type of sale and these documents are all produced automatically.
The Basic System offers many Reports. These are;-
Reports on downloaded data that has not been invoiced
Reports on sales
Reports on profitability
ATOL reporting capability
Full set of changes and correction programs
The Complete LMS System
The Complete System adds the ability to produce agency and business house invoices, with the various additional tasks that this implies e.g. adding markup to agency invoices and producing an agent invoice with remittance document for the agent. The Complete System will also bring with it further reports and procedures for checking on agent and business house status, producing statements and making more detailed changes to invoices.
The Complete System will also allow the direct IP method of connecting to the central system server remotely. ATOL reporting in compliance with ATOL requirements is included, plus the ability to receive downloads from a web engine configured to our specification.
The Complete System includes constant on-screen agency task monitoring.
The Complete system provides all of the comprehensive functionality you require including BSP variance reporting, Mass emailing, Full accounting to trial balance, very full reporting on every aspect of the business, right through to recording business expenses and MTD VAT